Take The Norc Survey

Thank You for Taking NORC Survey

The NORC Survey ended November 30, 2022. If you were selected as part of this year's survey sample, thank you for taking the time to read the emails and fill out the survey. Thank you for telling us about your experience with Rochester RHIO services. Your response and input is very important to us. We use your responses to improve services to our community.

Frequently Asked Questions: What is the SHIN-NY Customer Usage and Satisfaction Survey?

  1.  What is the SHIN-NY? The Statewide Health Information Network for New York (SHIN-NY) facilitates the electronic exchange of clinical records and connects health care professionals statewide. The SHIN-NY enables collaboration and coordination of care to improve patient outcomes, reduce unnecessary and avoidable tests and procedures, and lower costs. The SHIN-NY connects regional health information organizations across New York State. These organizations are referred to as Qualified Entities (QEs). QEs enroll participants within their community, including those from hospitals, physician practices, long-term care providers, Federally Qualified Health Centers, community-based organizations, local health departments, among others, and provide services so they can access and exchange electronic health information with other health care organizations in their region and across the state.
  2. Which QEs are part of the SHIN-NY? The QEs providing SHIN-NY services across the state include: Bronx RHIO, HealtheConnections, HealtheLink, Healthix, Hixny, and Rochester RHIO.
  3. What is the purpose of the survey? The purpose of the SHIN-NY Customer Usage and Satisfaction Survey is to assess your experiences using electronic health information exchange services for clinical data provided by Rochester RHIO. 
  4. How does the survey work? This is a web-based survey: those that are invited are sent an email with a survey link. NORC may contact some individuals by phone to remind them to complete the survey. 
  5. How does Norc select who responds to the survey? This survey uses a sample, meaning that a small subset of all users will be scientifically selected and contacted to complete the survey. First, NORC contacts a subset of users that the QE considers to be the most appropriate point of contact given knowledge of QE services at your organization. Then, these users identify others at their organization that are aware of QE services and use them as part of their day-to-day work. To maintain confidentiality of respondents, Rochester RHIO does not know who has been selected.
  6. How do I know if I have been selected to respond to the survey? If you have been selected to respond, you will receive an email from SHIN-NY@norc.org. You may need to check your spam/junk folders to confirm. If you are unsure if you have been selected, contact the Helpdesk at SHIN-NY@norc.org.
  7. Who is sponsoring this survey?  The SHIN-NY Customer Usage and Satisfaction Survey is commissioned by the New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC) under contract with NORC and the University of Chicago. 
  8. What is NORC?  NORC at the University of Chicago is an objective, non-partisan research institution that helps governments, nonprofits, and businesses make better decisions through data and analysis. NORC is administering the SHIN-NY Customer Usage and Satisfaction Survey on behalf of NYeC. 
  9. What is NYeC? The New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC) is a non-profit organization, working in partnership with the New York State Department of Health to improve health care by collaboratively leading, connecting, and integrating health information exchange services across the state. On behalf of New York State, NYeC leads the advancement of the Statewide Health Information Network for New York (SHIN-NY), a network connecting health care professionals statewide. The SHIN-NY connects the state's regional health information organizations, or Qualified Entities (QEs), which allow participating health care professionals, with appropriate patient consent, to quickly access electronic health information and securely exchange data with other participants in the state. 
  10. How will the data be used? What are you doing with this information?  NORC gathers these data on behalf of the New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC) to: 1) quantify consumer usage and experience with core services provided by Rochester RHIO, and 2) gain an overall understanding of consumer satisfaction with Rochester RHIO.
  11. How did you get my information? There are two ways you could be selected to respond to the survey: (1) Rochester RHIO has listed you as the most appropriate point of contact given your knowledge of Rochester RHIO services used at your organization, or (2) someone at your organization has identified you as someone at the organization who is aware of Rochester RHIO services and uses them as part of their day-to-day work. Please note that the survey is voluntary, but we hope that users will respond as the data help NYeC and QEs improve SHIN-NY services.


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